Consolidated Panels & Veneers specialises in the production of veneered panels pressed on various substrates including Standard and HMR particleboard, Standard and MR (moisture resistant) MDF, Plywood and other substrate materials including Fire Retardant (FR) MDF.
As one of Australia’s Premium Panel Layers, CPV offers an efficient and reliable Veneered Panel service to our range of Cabinet Makers, Commercial Joiners and shopfitting customers. CPV can lay up all types of veneers including Natural Veneers, Re-constituted Veneers and Re-died Veneers. Our expertise also extends to our experience in Veneer Selection for all our customers including Architectural & Specification clients. If a Veneer is available, CPV can source, lay/press and supply any customers enquiry.
Below are our Standard range of Veneers that can be sourced for your project: